خذ العفو وأمر بالعرف وأعرض عن الجاهلين English Translation
The monotheist group the quran.
خذ العفو وأمر بالعرف وأعرض عن الجاهلين english translation. Muhammad taqi ud din al hilali and muhammad muhsin khan. Quran surah al a raf 199 in english translation sahih international 7 199 take what is given freely enjoin what is good and turn away from the ignorant. Take to pardoning and order what is good and turn away from the ignorant ones. خ ذ ال ع ف و و أ م ر ب ال ع ر ف و أ ع ر ض ع ن ال ج اه ل ين.
Al bukhari said allah said خ ذ ال ع ف و و أ م ر ب ال ع ر ف و أ ع ر ض ع ن ال ج اه ل ين show forgiveness enjoin al urf and turn away from the ignorant. Itani new translation be tolerant and command decency and avoid the ignorant muhammad mahmoud ghali. خ ذ ال ع ف و و أ م ر ب ال ع ر ف و أ ع ر ض ع ن ال ج اه ل ين. Al urf means righteousness al bukhari next recorded from ibn abbas that he said.